My "Must have" beauty products this moment

Hi girls! Daily skin care is very important especially during the winter. For a long time I was searching for those products that match my skin and that is well tolerated by the  use of make-up.  For some time now, after the morning rutine of skin toner use i was using La Roche Posay Effeclar Duo cream with a nursing texture that is perfect for a great appearance of skin and  also make-up. It is suitable for problematic and sensitive oily skin, I use it mainly preventive. Effeclar duo is mainly correction and restoration treatment that eliminates clogged pores and prevents the formation of new acne so you can also use it with liquid foundations and primers and your skin will not have any problems. It has matt-creamy gel texture that is fresh, non-greasy and absorbs quickly into the skin leaving a slight gentle feeling. For all those who have problems with acne, is also positive that it contains LHA and salicylic acid, which restores the skin's surface, while linoleic acid regulates the production of oil, thats the reason our make-up looks like that it melts. Sometimes after using this cream i applied nothing, but eventually due to the cold environment and a bit more dry epidermis i required little extra hydration. I use Zuii organic primer that is completely natural and contains a blend of ingredients that moisturize the skin while protecting it from external influences. It also contains aloe vera and water from 'Damascus' Roses, which is responsible for balancing your skin tone. Both products together are the perfect combination for the ultimate skin care, but you can also use them individually!
Živjo dekleta! Dnevna nega kože je res zelo pomembna še posebej v zimskem obdobju. Dolgo časa sem iskala tiste izdelke, ki ustrezajo moji koži in, ki dobro prenesejo tudi make-up. Kar že nekaj časa po jutranji uporabi tonika uporabim La Roche Posay Effeclar Duo kremo, ki s svojo lahko, a negovalno teksturo poskrbi za super videz kože in tudi make-upa.  Primerna je za problematično in občutljivo mastno kožo, jaz pa jo uporabljam predvsem preventivno.  Effeclar duo je predvsem korekcijska in obnovitvena nega, ki odpravlja zamašene pore in preprečuje nastanek novih aken zato vam tudi po uporabi pudra in primerjev koža ne bo delala težav. Ima matirajočo kremasto-gelasto teksturo, ki je sveža, nemastna in se hitro vpije v kožo pusti pa tak rahlo nežen občutek.  Za vse tiste, ki imate težavice z aknami je pozitivno tudi dejstvo, da vsebuje LHA in salicilno kislino, ki obnovi površino kože, linolenska kislina pa uravnava nastajanje odvečnega mastnega sijaja zaradi katerega naš make-up zgleda kot, da se "topi". Včasih po uporabi te kremice nisem nanesla nič, razen tekoče podlage sčasoma pa sem zaradi hladnega okolja in malce bolj suhe povrhnjice potrebovala še primer. Uporabljam primer znamke Zuii organic, ki je popolnoma naraven in vsebuje mešanico sestavin, ki vlažijo kožo hkrati pa jo zaščitijo pred zunanjimi vplivi. Vsebuje tudi aloe vero in vodo "Damask" vrtnice, ki skrbi za uravnotežen sijaj kože. Oba izdelka skupaj sta odlična kombinacija za vrhunsko nego kože, lahko pa ju uporabljate tudi posamezno!
Dobite ju lahko tukaj/You can get them here: KLIK Effeclar duo cream , Zuii organic primer.


  1. Tale primer je videti kar zanimiv, ampak je cena kar visoka :( Drugače imaš pa top slike ! :)

    1. Primer je super, cena pa je res malce visoka, ampak glede na to, da je v celoti čisto naraven je to kar sprejemljivo =)


  2. Hi! My name is Paula, Polly livelove blog. I just met you and I am glad because I really like your page. I love the products of La Roche, I think they are very moisturizing and skin care much. A kiss.


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